Auburn Downtown Plan & EIS Update
1/22/25 UPDATE
Project Name: Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan Update and Planned Action Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Issuance Date: January 22, 2025
Project Proponent: City of Auburn
Lead Agency: City of Auburn, Auburn Washington
Project Location: The current City of Auburn downtown area is situated along the historic Main Street corridor adjacent to the Interurban Trail and BNSF railway. The downtown core consists primarily of mixed-use and medical office development, in addition to single-family residential and manufacturing and industrial development. Sounder service to Seattle and beyond is provided via Auburn Station, and the area will soon be served by RapidRide I line service connecting downtown to Kent and Renton. The updated 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan encompasses approximately 360 acres. The study area includes the existing Downtown Urban Center (DUC) boundary, but expands to the north to 10th Street NE and 8th Street NE. The BNSF/Sounder rail corridor comprises the western border of the expanded area, while the eastern border is defined by H Street NE, 4th Street NE, and E Street NE.
Description of Proposal: The proposal is a non-project action to revise the 2001 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan and pursue a Planned Action. The previous Auburn Downtown Plan and EIS was adopted in 2001 and has provided the framework for development of the City’s downtown for the past 20 years. The document is now reaching the end of its planning period, and the City has changed over that time. The revised 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan is envisioned to supplement the existing plan by providing a refreshed perspective of the land use, development, and transportation options serving the downtown area.
Alternatives: The Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement (Draft and Final EIS) analyzed three alternatives including a No Action Alternative and two development alternatives. The City selected Alternative 3 as the Preferred Alternative. The alternatives are described more in detail on the project webpage found at
2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan: The 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan provides an updated vision for downtown that encourages more activity, housing, and economic development opportunities, and enhances livability in and around the Downtown Subarea. The plan is designed to satisfy the requirements of the State’s Growth Management Act for Auburn to plan for forecasted growth and support the goals of the Puget Sound Regional Council’s (PSRC’s) VISION 2050 and Transportation 2050 (T2050) regional plans. The 2024 Auburn Downtown Plan should be reviewed along with this EIS for a comprehensive understanding of probable environmental impacts. The proposed 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan Update is available online at
Planned Action: The City is also pursuing a Planned Action to streamline permitting and encourage more development within the Downtown Subarea.
SEPA Draft EIS Comment Period: Agencies, affected Tribes, and members of the public were invited to comment on the Auburn Downtown Plan and Planned Action Draft EIS and related project environmental impacts. No comments were received.
Availability of the Draft EIS and the Final EIS and Background Materials: The Draft EIS and Final EIS are available online at
Printed copies of the Draft EIS and Final EIS and appendix material are available upon request for review for no cost at the following locations. City of Auburn Department of Community Development, 1 E Main Street, 2nd Floor, Auburn, WA 98002
Appeal and Noticing:
This notice of availability is provided in accordance with WAC 197-11-460. Appeals shall be commenced in accordance with ACC 16.06.220 “Environmental appeals”, ACC 16.06.230 “Time limitation on appeals”, and ACC 16.06.240 “Fee to accompany notice of appeal”. The city will not take action on the proposal for 7 days following this notice.
Project Manager and Agency Contact:
Alexandria Teague, AICP, Planning Services Manager
Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan and Planned Action Final EIS
Department of Community Development
1 E Main Street, 2nd Floor, Auburn, WA 98002
9/25/2024 UPDATE
Project name: Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan Update and Planned Action Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Issuance Date: September 25, 2024
Project Proponent: City of Auburn
Lead Agency: City of Auburn, Auburn Washington
Project Location: The current City of Auburn downtown area is situated along the historic Main Street corridor adjacent to the Interurban Trail and BNSF railway. The downtown core consists primarily of mixed-use and medical office development, in addition to single family residential and manufacturing and industrial development. Sounder service to Seattle and beyond is provided via Auburn Station, and the area will soon be served by RapidRide I line service connecting downtown to Kent and Renton. The 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan encompasses approximately 360 acres. The study area includes the existing Downtown Urban Center (DUC) boundary, but expands to the north to 10th St. NE and 8th St. NE. The BNSF/Sounder rail corridor comprises the western border of the expanded area, while the eastern border is defined by H St. NE, 4th St. NE, and E St. NE.
Description of Proposal: The proposal is a non-project action to revise the 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan and pursue a Planned Action. The previous Auburn Downtown Plan & EIS was adopted in 2001 and has provided the framework for development of the City’s downtown for the past 20 years. The document is now reaching the end of its planning period and the city has also changed over that time. The revised 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan is envisioned to supplement the existing plan by providing a refreshed perspective of the land use, development, and transportation options serving the downtown area.
Alternatives: This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzes three alternatives including a No Action Alternative and two Action Alternatives. The alternatives include ideas to be analyzed that would lead to the development of a Preferred Alternative. The three Action Alternatives are measured against the baseline assumptions in the No Action Alternative. The elements of the environment discussed in the Draft EIS include Land Use and Transportation.
2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan: The 2024 Auburn Downtown Subarea Plan provides an updated vision for downtown that encourages more activity, housing, and economic development opportunities, and enhances livability in and around the subarea. The plan is designed to satisfy the requirements of the State’s Growth Management Act for Auburn to plan for forecasted growth and support the goals of the Puget Sound Regional Council’s (PSRC’s) VISION 2050 and Transportation 2050 (T2050) regional plans. The 2024 Auburn Downtown Plan should be reviewed along with this EIS for a comprehensive understanding of probable environmental impacts.
Planned Action: The City is also pursuing a Planned Action EIS to streamline permitting and encourage more development within the downtown subarea.
SEPA EIS Comment Period: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the Auburn Downtown Plan and related project environmental impacts. You may comment on alternatives, probable significant adverse impacts, mitigation measures, and licenses or other approvals that may be required.
Availability of the Draft EIS and Background Materials:
Draft EIS
Draft Downtown Plan (Appendix A)
Printed copies of the Draft EIS and technical appendices are available upon request for review for no cost at Department of Community Development 1 E Main St., 2nd Floor, Auburn, WA 98002
Please note that the printed version may not be available the same day as the printed version request
How to Submit Comments: Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the Auburn Downtown Subarea Planned Action Draft EIS.
Comment Deadline: There is a 30-day comment period. All comments are due no later than October 24, 2024 (PST). To submit a comment, please email the project manager at the address below or attend an upcoming public meeting.
Project Manager and Agency Contact:
Alexandria Teague, AICP, Planning Services Manager
Auburn Downtown Plan & Planned Action EIS Scoping Comments
Department of Community Development
1 E Main St., 2nd Floor, Auburn, WA 98002
Public meeting: An in-person public meeting will be held on October 15, 2024, starting at 6pm at 25 W Main St., Council Chambers, Auburn, WA 98001. City of Auburn staff and members of the EIS Project Team will attend to hear your feedback and comments on the Draft EIS. This meeting also is being held in compliance with public meeting requirements for the Planned Action Ordinance. Attendance is not required to provide comment.
Issue Date: September 25, 2024
Comment Deadline: October 24, 2024
3/9/2023 UPDATE
Our project team has been busy developing draft future land use scenarios and analyzing existing (2022) and future No Action (2044) land use for the Auburn Downtown Plan. The No Action land use is based on current zoning within the downtown study area and accommodates a share of citywide growth in 2044 based on existing zoned capacity. The No Action scenario acts as a baseline to compare each the Action alternatives to. Action Alternatives are those land use scenarios where land use is changed to reflect higher household and employment density in downtown. "Alternative 3" - which represents a land use scenario with the highest reasonable zoned capacity changes can be seen below. While Action alternatives are being analyzed, a Preferred alternative has not been developed. The Preferred alternative will come after the public has a chance to review and respond to the draft Plan and EIS, later this spring. Additional information on the draft Plan and EIS will be available on this website as well as noticed throughout the community.

10/5/22 UPDATE
An invitation to comment and notice for the Auburn Downtown Plan Scoping period was published on September 5, 2022 for the Auburn Downtown Plan.
Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the Auburn Downtown Plan and related project environmental impacts. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. Comments will be accepted on:
• Growth alternatives
• Mitigation measures
• Probably significant adverse impacts
For more information, please review the Scoping Handout and provide feedback by 5 PM on October 26, 2022.
The proposal is a non-project action to revise the Auburn Downtown Plan and pursue a Planned Action. The previous Auburn Downtown Plan & EIS was adopted in 2001 and have provided the framework for development of the City’s downtown for the past 20-years. The revised Auburn Downtown Plan is envisioned to supplement the existing plan by providing a refreshed perspective of the land use, development, and transportation options serving the downtown area.
7/25/22 UPDATE
The Auburn Downtown Plan update process is underway! This week we begin meeting with community members in a focus group setting to gather feedback on perspectives of our downtown. Feedback from these focus groups and from outreach events throughout the summer will assist the project team in developing a future vision for downtown. You can participate any time, online, by completing the survey on this page (Click Downtown Survey above).
About this Project
The Auburn Downtown Plan and Environmental Impact Study (EIS), first adopted in 2001, has provided direction for the development of the downtown area over the past 20 years. While this plan has been highly successful due to the dedication of time, financial commitments, and contributions from the community, we are now ready to plan for the next 20 years.
The City of Auburn was awarded a grant through the Washington State Department of Commerce proposes to refresh and rethink the existing Plan, and create a Planned Action Ordinance for the downtown area. This allows the City to incorporate changing conditions and characteristics, new community and staff visions for downtown, remain compliant with Regional Growth Center requirements, and build from 20 years of implementing the previous plan. Findings from this plan will be incorporated into the 2024 Periodic Comprehensive Plan, which is currently underway, and is due by December 2024.